Archive: Reports
Shared Values: A Report on AFL-CIO and Catholic Conference Activity in the State Legislatures
The labor movement in the United States shares many values with the Catholic Church, with each supporting living wages for workers, the right to join and form unions, and the defense of our immigrant
Categories: Just Employment Policy, Publications, Reports
Just Employment in Action: Adjunct Unionization and Contract Negotiation at Georgetown University
Georgetown University's contract with its union of adjunct professors is a significant model that merits replication in other institutions of higher education, says a new report issued by the Kalman
Categories: Just Employment Policy, Reports
KI and DC Jobs with Justice Release Report on Just Hours in Washington, DC
On June 11, DC Jobs with Justice, the Jobs With Justice Education Fund, the DC Fiscal Policy Institute, and the Kalmanovitz Initiative released the first-ever study on service sector scheduling prac
Categories: In the News, Reports