Archive: Campus Workers
Act Now: Save the G2 Bus for Georgetown Campus Workers!
WMATA plans to eliminate the G2 bus and replace it with a D2 bus that picks up passengers at the intersection of 34th and Q Streets. Act now by telling WMATA to preserve the G2 bus that Georgetown wor
Categories: Immigration and Labor Project, Programs
KI Director Reflects on 125th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum
Exactly 125 years ago, in 1891, the industrializing world was going through a traumatic transformation that should seem familiar to us today: new technologies were transforming work; people were being uprooted by economic process from the lands of their birth and their traditional ways of life and drawn to the centers of the new economy, fleeing the collapsing worlds their parents had known and seeking new and better ones; millions of immigrants, emigrants, and migrants were crossing borders and seeking new homes; cities were growing and their problems were multiplying; tensions were emerging as cultures clashed; xenophobia was ignited (in the US it took the form of the American Protective Association, which sought to ban Catholic immigrants to this country); inequality was surging as some reaped enormous, unprecedented, and obscene profits from the new economy while others suffered egregious exploitation.
Categories: Events, Just Employment Policy, Our Staff