Archive: Events
Janesville: Vanished Jobs and the Decline of the Middle Class
An intimate story of one proud community devastated by the Great Recession, and its implications for the nation. Told by award-winning Washington Post journalist and Kalmanovitz Initiative fellow Amy Goldstein.
Categories: Events, Practitioner Fellows
Lunch and Discussion with Amy Goldstein
We invite Georgetown students to join us on Friday, October 31, for a lunch with our fellow Amy Goldstein, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist from the Washington Post.
Categories: Events, Practitioner Fellows
Smokestack Nostalgia?: Understanding Work Heritage in an Age of Austerity
On Tuesday, October 14, Professor Tim Strangleman of the University of Kent will explore some of the critical discourse that has emerged from the process of deindustrialization. What does it tell us about the wider meanings and values attached to work in the past and present?
Category: Events
Labor Research and Action Network Conference
The Kalmanovitz Initiative was honored to host the fourth annual national Labor Research and Action Network (LRAN) conference at Georgetown University Law Center on June 16-17, 2014.
Category: Events
Bargaining for the Common Good Conference
A convening of public sector union activists, community organizations, academics and researchers, to plan for a new way forward in public sector labor relations and the defense and improvement of public services.
Categories: Bargaining for the Common Good, Events
Keys to Revitalization: Organizing Black Workers and Communities in the South
On April 28-29, 2014, the Kalmanovitz Initiative convened a gathering of labor, civil rights, and community leaders to discuss and plan a new way forward in organizing Black workers and communities in the South.
Category: Events
Fighting Trafficking through Rights Work: A Roundtable Discussion of Denise Brennan's Life Interrupted
Please join us on Friday, April 25 for a panel discussion featuring Professor Denise Brennan, our Kalmanovitz Initiative faculty fellow and professor of anthropology at Georgetown University, on how immigration reform and basic rights work across labor sectors will help prevent trafficking into forced labor.
Living in a Precarious World
In response to the rise of precarity, artists, journalists, activists, and academics have debated the larger stakes and implications of this new “precariat.” The 2014 Lannan Spring Literary Symposium and Festival, “Living in a Precarious World,” will explore these questions through commentary, fiction, poetry, and interactive performance.
Category: Events
The Exit Zero Project: Deindustrialization and Social Class in Chicago
Join us for a film screening and discussion of The Exit Zero Project with Christine Walley, Associate Professor of Anthropology at MIT. The Exit Zero Project uses personal stories told across multiple generations to explore the lasting social and environmental impacts of deindustrialization in the former steel mill communities of Southeast Chicago.
Category: Events
The Employee: A Political History
Please join us on Friday, November 8th at 4:00 PM in Healy 105 for a book discussion featuring Jean-Christian Vinel, Professor of History at Universite Paris-Diderot and author of The Employee: A Political History. Melvyn Dubofsky, Emeritus Distinguished Professor of History at the State University of New York at Binghamton, will offer comments.
Category: Events