Archive: Events

  • Transnational Labor Relations

    In partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the Kalmanovitz Initiative sponsored a forum to discuss problems created when transnational corporations bargain collectively internationally, but refuse to do so domestically in the United States.

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  • Launching the Kalmanovitz Initiative

    A reception on November 10 in Riggs Library at Georgetown University marked the formal launch of the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor.  A gathering of over 100 supporters from t

    Category: Events

  • Seeking Transnational Justice for Migrant Workers

    Baldemar Velásquez, President of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, and attorney Leonel Rivero discussed their struggle against abuses suffered by migrant workers on both sides of the US-Mexican border. Particular attention was given to the case of organizer Santiago Rafael Cruz, who was murdered in Monterey, Mexico.

    Category: Events