Wrap Up: Constructing a New Social Compact

Posted in News | Tagged New Social Compact
Thank you for registering for “Constructing the New Social Compact: A Public Forum on Empowering the Post-Pandemic Working Class,” organized by the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor at Georgetown University.
You were one of nearly 1200 people who signed up for this timely convening, April 28 to May 1, which brought together more than 150 panelists for 25 sessions to envision and advance a bold new social compact in the pandemic’s wake. Videos of all of the sessions are now available on this schedule.
Thanks to all who attended the event; we are grateful for your time and contributions, and hope that you found the convening rewarding. We would like your feedback as we reflect on the event. Please take a moment to fill out this 3-minute survey.
Thanks again to our active advisory committee who helped bring together such an amazing array of voices on such a broad range of issues, and to our sponsor the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
This event was the launch of the New Social Compact Project, a multi-year project that envisions, defines, and lays the groundwork for a new social contract that addresses longstanding racial and gender inequities and centers care, sustainability, and the needs of working people. Stay tuned for more!
The K.I. Team