Archive: Michele Fazio
WCP: Class at the Forefront: 2018 Working-Class Studies Association Awards
Popular media often portrays working-class identities without the nuance and depth inherent to working-class lives. In Working-Class Perspectives, Michele Fazio highlights the works from multiple disciplines that earned the 2018 Working-Class Studies Association Awards.
Category: Visiting Scholars
WCP: The Future of Working-Class Studies
With nearly a decade and a half since the last publication of a working-class academic collection, it is time for an update on the field. In this week’s Working-Class Perspectives, Tim Strangleman, Michele Fazio, and Christie Launius discuss the Routledge International Handbook of Working-Class Studies, their upcoming collection of working class academia, specifically edited to showcase the history of working-class activism, the broad diversity within working-class studies, and potential paths forward given the challenges facing the current generation of working-class activists and academics.
Category: Visiting Scholars