Labor Capital Strategies Internship for Summer 2018 – Applications Open!

Labor Capital Strategies interns and supervisors.

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Last summer we launched the Labor Capital Strategies internship and it ended up working out well, so we’re doing it again! The internship program is jointly run by the Kalmanovitz Initiative  and Heartland Capital Strategies . Here’s the gist of it:

It’s an 8 week paid internship ($5,000 for the summer to cover cost of living in DC or NYC) for students to gain hands on experience working with the capital strategy teams within unions or with funds that manage union money. The work would range from investing the money that unions have received from their membership to supporting watchdog corporate governance campaigns to helping with communications work for the capital strategy department of a union, depending on the placement organization’s needs. If you’re able to read and analyze financial statements or have any experience with developing financial portfolios, then you should definitely think about applying for these. The application is open to current students both from Georgetown and other universities.

The placement organizations include:

Learn more about the internship and start filling out the application . If you’ve got questions, reach out to Nick Wertsch at .

Applications are due by Sunday, February 25 at 11:59pm. We hope to get an application from you!