WCP: Class War: Working-Class Activists Reclaiming the Streets of London

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In London, working-class activists adopt boisterous tactics to highlight gentrification. As is often the case, British mainstream media miss the point and ridicule the protesters rather than focus on their message. Today’s Working-Class Perspectives blog post was authored by Sarah Attfield.

Class War’s particular mode of protesting is carnivalesque and mocks the rich and powerful. They use props such as banners, flares, flaming torches, masks, and loud music, and their parades and protests are noisy and colourful. Their intention is to take back the streets, at least for a short time, and make working-class voices heard. According to one member, they are part of a long tradition of the London mob – groups of protestors who have challenged authority and targeted symbols of power (including private property) for centuries.

You may read the post in its entirety and check out other Working-Class Perspectives posts  on our website.

The renowned Working-Class Perspectives  blog is brought to you by our Visiting Scholar for the 2015-16 academic year, John Russo, and Georgetown University professor of English, Sherry Linkon. It features several regular and guest contributors.