Reflecting on a Summer with ONE DC

Posted in Organizing Internship Student Leaders

Kevin and Mia

This summer, Georgetown students Kevin Ruano and Mia Campbell worked as apprentice organizers with our friends at ONE DC through the Kalmanovitz Initiative Summer Organizing Internship. Kevin and Mia, pictured above with ONE DC organizer Assata Harris, wrote about what they learned from their experiences.

Mia Campbell


“This summer was one of the most rewarding and eye opening times of my life. The Kalmanovitz Initiative Summer Organizing Internship program gave me the opportunity to learn more about my capabilities and myself as well as learn more about others. … It was a summer of growth, self-discovery and realizations of the best kind; learning how to finding my voice and using it to help however I can. It was a summer of growth in consciousness; an awakening. My eyes have been opened and now there is no turning back.” Read more

Kevin Ruano


“From the first day on the internship, it was clear to me that the work ONE DC does—organizing to establish a more economically and racially equitable city—was absolutely needed. … At ONE DC, I only got a glimpse of those truly resilient in Washington, DC. They are not politicians, businessmen or those who are in buildings that appear on post cards but those in buildings that are threatened every day by development that is unsympathetic to the feelings and needs of the community whose roots are in DC, who is DC and who soon, without people like those at ONE DC, will become who was DC.” Read more