Paid Internships in the Labor Movement for Summer 2018

Posted in Labor Capital Strategies Organizing Internship Research in Action Internship
Labor Capital Strategies Internship (LCS)
The internship is for students to gain hands-on experience working with the capital strategy teams within unions or with funds that manage union money. The work would range from investing the money that unions have received from their membership to supporting watchdog corporate governance campaigns to helping with communications work for the capital strategy department of a union, depending on the placement organization’s needs. If you’re able to read and analyze financial statements or have any experience with developing financial portfolios, then you should definitely think about applying for these. The application is open to current students both from Georgetown and other universities. Quick facts about the internship:
- Applications due by 2/25/18
- Internship starts 6/4/18 and ends on 7/27/18
- Includes stipend of $5,000
- Link:
KI Summer Organizing Internship (KI SOI)
The internship provides an opportunity for students to observe the impact of community and labor organizing, support and contribute to ongoing campaigns and projects, and develop their own organizing skills. The purpose of the KI Organizing Fellowship is to expose students to activism and organizing work. Through firsthand involvement in local campaigns, students will develop their own view of the challenges facing workers in the modern economy and the role of worker justice in a larger social justice context. From these experiences, students contribute to the next generation of the worker justice movement. Quick facts about the internship:
- Applications due by 2/26/18
- Internship starts on 6/4/18 and ends on 7/27/18
- Includes stipend of $4,900 and transportation stipend of $250
- Placements in DC and NYC
- Link:
UC Berkeley Labor Summer Internship Program
The UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education (Labor Center) and co-sponsor San Francisco Central Labor Council are offering students an opportunity to spend their summer learning about social and economic justice and reflecting on the intersections of race, class, gender, and immigration in the labor movement. Labor Summer is a full-time, PAID, intensive eight-week educational internship program. Students learn from and work with labor and community organizations in Northern and Central California, applying their skills in real-world settings on issues vital to the state’s working people. Quick facts about the internship:
- Applications due by 2/26/18
- Internship starts on 6/18/18 and ends on 8/10/18
- Paid internship – $15/hour, 40 hours/week
- Link:
AFSCME Union Scholars
The Union Scholars Program is a 10-week summer internship for students of color who are passionate about social justice, with an emphasis on workers’ rights. Entry to the Union Scholars Program is competitive.
Students will take part in a hands-on organizing experience with AFSCME members, and will enjoy an opportunity to travel and receive valuable, resume-building experience – all while getting paid. Quick facts about the internship:
- Applications due by 2/28/18
- Tentative dates: starts on 6/4/18 and ends on 8/10/18
- Paid internship – $4,000 stipend + covers housing costs
- Link:
UNITE HERE’s Organizing Beyond Barriers (OBB) Internship
Organizing Beyond Barriers (OBB) is UNITE HERE’s nationally coordinated program to build a progressive alliance of workers and students by teaching, agitating, and inspiring people to fight for justice. We place a lot of emphasis on training and fieldwork. People learn by doing, whether it’s hearing about the real situations of working people in a house visit, doing research on a company, speaking truth to power in a delegation or recruiting friends, family, or coworkers to an action. Our Union is committed to inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds to join our movement. Students and workers across the United States and Canada come together for eight weeks in the summer to learn how to organize, push forward the union’s campaigns, and find inspiration in people who are willing to take up the struggle for social justice. The OBB program strives to link up the workers’ rights movement with the student movement, the LGBTQ movement, the immigrants’ rights movement and all other movements that struggle and work for social justice. We look forward to getting to know and be inspired by you. Quick facts about the internship:
- Applications due by 4/28/18, but early acceptance by 3/20/18
- Tentative dates: either 6/25-8/17 or 7/9-8/31
- Paid – not sure how much
- Links: ;
Student Action with Farmworkers
SAF develops the leadership of college students from diverse backgrounds, giving them the opportunity to work directly with farmworkers in the Southeast. Each year, SAF trains approximately 20 students on farmworker issues, and places them to work full-time with migrant education programs, legal aid offices, rural health clinics, community-based organizations and farmworker unions. SAF interns increase the capacity of the organizations they work with by outreaching to over 5,000 farmworkers & their families each summer. Placements are in North Carolina and South Carolina, and there are 25 internship positions each summer. Must be able to speak Spanish. Quick facts about the internship:
- Applications due by 2/12/18
- Dates: 10 weeks from June to August
- Paid: $1,600 stipend + housing is provided
- Links: ;
UCLA Dream Summer Internship
Participants are placed within social justice based organizations for 10 weeks and work closely with their host organization to incorporate and strengthen the role of immigrant issues alongside the organization’s social justice work. Dream Summer fellows receive a $5,000 fellowship award for their participation in the program, leadership and professional development trainings, and become part of a national alumni network of 600+ individuals. Over the summer, fellows engage and lead social justice efforts by aligning the call for immigrant rights issues alongside the unique challenges of queer and transgender communities, Asian and Pacific Islander communities, Black immigrant communities, the ongoing mass incarceration and criminalization of people of color, worker rights, and health care access for all. Quick facts about the internship:
- Applications due by 2/15/18
- Dates: 6/18-8/19
- Paid: $5,000 stipend
- Links: ;