1010 Wins | Black Workers, Unions, and the Fight for Equality
Posted in In the News News

Dr. James Benton, Director of KI’s Race and Economic Empowerment Project joins 1010 Wins to discuss “the role that Black workers have played in the history of unionizing and explore how the modern labor movement is changing their lives for the better.”
This year, there has been a 56% increase in petitions asking for union representation across the nation. You’ve seen the news. Employees at companies such as Amazon and Starbucks are making headlines because they demand better working conditions. If successful, Black employees stand to benefit the most. Research shows that Black union members have better health insurance, higher pay, and a heftier retirement fund compared to Black workers who aren’t a part of a union. In this episode of Beyond Black History Month, listen as we revisit the role that Black workers have played in the history of unionizing and explore how the modern labor movement is changing their lives for the better. Produced by Femi Redwood, Jill Webb, Anddy Egan-Thorpe, and Dempsey Pillot
Listen to full interview here