Unpaid = Unfair? Law, Economics, & Ethics of Unpaid Internships

Posted in Events

Join the Kalmanovitz Initiative and the Georgetown Solidarity Committee on March 18, 2013 for “Unpaid = Unfair? Law, Economics, & Ethics of Unpaid Internships.”

March 18, 2013
7:30 PM
Reynolds 131

Experts and activists will hold a panel discussion about the economic and social pressures driving unpaid internships. Refreshments will be served.

– Nancy Donaldson, Director, ILO Washington Office
– Ross Eisenbrey: Vice President, Economic Policy Institute
– Eric Glatt: Intern Advocate; Plaintiff, Glatt v. Fox Searchlight Pictures, Inc.
– Mohammad Sheikh, Asst. Director of Labor Standards, D.C. DOES
– Rory O’Sullivan: Policy and Research Director, Young Invincibles

 Check out this great article about the event by the Georgetown Voice: Unpaid internships unlawfully exploit Hoyas .