Students’ Role in Fighting Gentrification (Video)

Protesters holding signs that say

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In moving to cities to attend college or relocating to urban centers after graduation to begin their careers, university students often play a significant role in the displacement of local communities. Most impacted are Black and Brown residents who have shaped the character, vitality, and interconnectedness of their neighborhoods over many decades.

On Thursday, October 1, 2020 KI hosted a candid conversation on the individual responsibility and systemic action necessary to fight gentrification, with a particular focus on the role of college students. The discussion highlighted how these dynamics play out both in DC and across the United States.

Community leaders and experts shared their perspectives:

Oji Abbott. Owner, Oohhs & Aahhs Restaurant.
Beth Harrison, Supervising Attorney, Legal Aid Foundation.
Daniel del Pielago, Organizing Director, Empower DC.
Sofia Lopez, Senior Researcher, Action Center on Race and the Economy.
Dee Martin, Tenant, Westwood Apartments in Ivy City.

We are grateful to all of our speakers, and to Meena Morar (COL’21) for her important role in planning and facilitating the conversation.

You can watch the event on facebook here.