Mapping the Common Good: Lessons for Building BCG Campaigns

Posted in Bargaining for the Common Good Events
On September 15, over 150 activists and organizers from across the country gathered to learn about how to use the Bargaining for the Common Good network’s innovative mapping tool to help build innovative campaigns in local geographies that bring together unions and community organization to fight for the common good.
Erika Thi Patterson of the Action Center on Race and the Economy kicked off with an overview of Bargaining for the Common Good, the network, and how to build effective coalitions. Then, Sara Myklebust of BCG and KI, described how to use the BCG Mapping Tool and how to request access to the detailed BCG Mapping Tool.
Norma Martinez-Hosang of SEIU Connecticut State Council described an exciting campaign in CT to hold the rich and powerful accountable as workers and communities suffer during COVID-19. Read more about the Connecticut campaign and a report on their work. Joe Delgado of Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment gave an overview of ACCE’s work in California to fight for affordable housing and equitable communities in coalition with labor partners. Read more about campaigns in California.
Finally, KB Brower of BCG and the Center for Innovation and Worker Organization at Rutgers described the process for building long-term BCG partnerships. You can sign up for a strategy session on how to build these partnerships here.
- Linked is a full recording of the webinar
- Linked are the slides from the webinar