Labor Lab: Listening to Occupy DC

Posted in Events

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In a few short months, the Occupy Wall Street movement has spread around the world and changed the terms of the political debate.

What does the Occupy movement mean and what are the possibilities for its future?  Where does Occupy fit within the larger world of social justice activism in the US and here in DC?  And what can labor unions and workers’ organizations learn from Occupy?

The Kalmanovitz Initiative held a panel discussion to talk about these questions with activists from Occupy DC. Veteran activist Heather Booth, founder of the Midwest Academy and member of Democratic Partners, and Columbia University political scientist Dorian Warren commented, along with Occupiers James Ploeser and Vasudha Desikan.

What: Panel Discussion on Occupy DC

When: Friday, December 2, 2011 at 12:30pm

Where: Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St., NW

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